Saturday, February 28, 2015

Drake H Sparkman III

I was saddened yesterday to read about the tragic death of Drake Sparkman, III last Friday. I had no idea he was ill. Drakes connection to Sparkman & Stephens is not just that he was the grandson of one of the founders of our company, he was a good friend of Sparkman & Stephens and his involvement with sailing was commendable.

I served with Drake on the Board of Trustees of the Landing School for a time. I dropped off of the Board after 10 years due to time constraints but Drake kept at it for many years. This past January I did participate in a Landing School "Summit" where faculty, Trustees and industry participants spent a weekend discussing and exploring where the school wished to be in 2020. Drake was his usual self, adding a lot to the discussion.

I was also involved with another project that was close to Drake, the Sail4Kids fund raiser at American Yacht Club to benefit the Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital in Westchester. Drake was a driving force.

Our condolences go out to Drakes family. He will be missed. He was not only a personable gentleman, but one who gave a lot back to his community.

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